Step 1: Get OG Thins, Fully Strip of Foam+Glue & Assess Where You Are
The eye on these frames had a pretty radical pink stain, and the forehead. Also yellowed some. A prime candidate for clarification. (Don’t bother trying with the ears, not gonna happen, at least in my experience, check JT Proflex Facebook groups for potentially different opinions)
Step 2: Get the Necessary Ingredients
1 bottle Salon 40
4 bottles hydrogen peroxide
Cheap toothbrush, like the freebies from your dentist
“Big Salad” (watch Seinfeld to get this reference) sized clear tupperware
Baking soda
Liquid-proof gloves (always wear when potentially coming into contact w/ salon40 or peroxide)
Care & Common Sense
Step 3: Mix ingredients & Soak All Day Under Sun
In the morning before work, after you have filled the tub with the salon 40 and hydrogen peroxide bottles, take 3-5 minutes to cover frames in baking soda, soft scrub quickly, then submerge all day until sundown/after work, uncovered, remove from tub, cover tub lightly, rinse off frames, leave somewhere to dry
Step 4: Repeat for 4-5 days
Each day before work toss them in, remove at sundown, rinse, let dry
Optional Step 5: Scrape Off Surface Layer of Plastic Over Stain
Take an exacto knife and cut ribbon-like lines barely into the plastic, then use a snub-nosed exacto to remove the top layer of plastic on the inside of the frame where the stain is. This allows for better oxidation and removal of the stain, but can also ruin your frames if you mess it up, so proceed with care and at your own risk. It removed the stain far better in my experience.
Step 6: Refoam, Enjoy, and Play Like Giants!
Use this tutorial at your discretion, understanding your results may vary, and you could very well waste your time and/or ruin your frames.
Noting that, I nonetheless believe I could have fully removed the pink stains with another week, but hydrogen peroxide stops losing strength after a week so more materials and more time would be necessary. I’m okay with putting in 3-5 minutes a day for 5 days, but beyond that I’m just gonna find a different pair of frames. Luckily a business week of 3-5 minutes each morning and 1 minute each evening got me the results I wanted here.